If you’re anything like me, you’ll have been keeping nicely up to speed with all the various developments in new large sensor cameras trying to gauge which one to plump for next. After all, DSLRs are a long way from perfect and it’d be nice to have a proper video camera after all. Or would it? Sadly the whole damn situation is desperately complicated and it’s actually not at all obvious which of the new cameras would make the most sensible upgrade. I only started looking into this because my beloved 5Dmk2 was stolen at NAB and I’m now going to be shooting somewhere in the region of 65 videos over the next 12 months, all over the world. I have to buy a camera now to replace the one that was stolen but which one? Clearly, whichever one you buy should be an improvement on the old one. Duh. The only thing is, that doesn’t seem to be possible. You sacrifice form for functionality for cost, and there’s very little room to manoeuvre. I have a stack of Canon lenses, a bunch of support gear, and everything else I need. I just need the box with the sensor…

If you’re anything like me, you’ll have been keeping nicely up to speed with all the various developments in new large sensor cameras trying to gauge which one to plump for next. After all, DSLRs are a long way from perfect and it’d be nice to have a proper video camera after all. Or would it? Sadly the whole damn situation is desperately complicated and it’s actually not at all obvious which of the new cameras would make the most sensible upgrade. I only started looking into this because my beloved 5Dmk2 was stolen at NAB and I’m now going to be shooting somewhere in the region of 65 videos over the next 12 months, all over the world. I have to buy a camera now to replace the one that was stolen but which one? Clearly, whichever one you buy should be an improvement on the old one. Duh. The only thing is, that doesn’t seem to be possible. You sacrifice form for functionality for cost, and there’s very little room to manoeuvre. I have a stack of Canon lenses, a bunch of support gear, and everything else I need. I just need the box with the sensor…
- Ikonoscop ACam D3
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